31 December 2018

Thank you 2018, hello 2019!

Pejam celik, pejam celik dah 2019. Cepatnya masa berlalu. 

Alhamdulillah untuk segala hal yang berlaku sepanjang 2018. Highlights of my 2018:

  • Gave birth to 2nd baby. Alhamdulillah my family of four is complete now. Please don't ask me the boring question "Bila lagi". Ask again in next 4 years, haha.
  • Alhamdulillah I got promoted! I really feel I don't deserve this and really can't stop feeling grateful for this. 

My second pregnancy journey is really beyond words. It is neither horrible nor amusing haha. I lost few kg in the first trimester which I actually was thinking that is good (losing weight makes woman happy lol) without me knowing that I am actually pregnant. Bammm! I just got pregnant last year (2017) and pregnant again? How comeeeee?! You know, too many questions in my mind. Mixed feelings. Not gonna explain more. 

So I really bersangka baik dengan Allah, while at the same time super duper worried if I could afford for another baby? My husband and I have our own commitments, nak beli susu, pampers, bil itu ini, our study loan, house loan, car loan. Ya Allah, sangat sangat stress. I cried a lot, mengadu kat Allah. Mampu ke aku. Lepas menangis mengadu tu, akan rasa lega and tenang je and tiba-tiba macam dapat kekuatan, I can do this, we can do this!

Alhamdulillah selamatlah lahir Aisyah ke dunia dengan rezeki yang Allah bagi melalui dia. Rezeki yang tak disangka-sangka. Baru few days Aisyah lahir, my company enforced 4 months maternity leave. Previously 3 months. Bersyukur sangat-sangat dapat cuti lama. Means I have more time to spend with my baby, boleh buat stok susu banyak so that susu cukup bila start masuk kerja nanti. 

Bila Aisyah nak masuk 3 bulan, I received another good news. I got promoted. Can you please tell me what have I done to deserve this? Baiknya Allah dekat kita. I actually did not expect this promotion because I'm on maternity leave last year and I have just few months to perform well in office but I still get promoted? And I'm on maternity leave AGAIN this year. 

Please please please remind me to always be grateful. 

New year means my birthday is around the corner! Another year older and wiser, inshaAllah.